Programming Benefits: Should You Join in on The Fun?

By Luis Thiam-Nye on 4 June 2018
Warning: This blog is old and deprecated. It may be wrong or misleading, and it does not represent the author's current positions.
Are the programming benefits enough for you to care about them, and is it worth your time? Find out about the multiplicity of opportunities that comes with learning how to programme—you might just love it.

Why You Should Care About the Computer Programming Benefits

That hacker is up to no good...

When you hear the words “computer programming” or “coding”, what comes to mind? Is it a mad hacker sitting in his mother’s dimly-lit basement, typing away on a laptop screen consumed by vivid green characters on a deadly black background? Or perhaps you envision a team of computer professionals behind approximately eighty 700-inch displays.

This is really scary stuff...

On the less extreme side of things, you might imagine a computer hobbyist programming a miniature robotic car. Innocently or, rather, maliciously—that choice is up to you.

No matter how you currently perceive computer programming, you must accept one fundamental truth: it is a broad field of many sports.

For this reason, you could never learn to programme and subsequently know how to do absolutely everything; there are a multitude of programming languages as well as platforms on which you develop software, algorithms, and whatnot. However, to keep this simple, we won’t delve too deep into the programming intricacies.

Instead, we will explore the programming benefits—and how you can benefit from programming as a computer enthusiast.

But don’t be mistaken. The programming benefits don’t necessarily require tireless days of continuous, laborious learning; conversely, depending on what your goal is, you might not need to learn much to do a lot.

Also, it’s—fortunately—not exceptionally difficult to get started with programming. This is because all you really need is a computer, some software, and some quality learning resources. Never, therefore, believe that you can never take advantage of the benefits of programming.

As a matter of fact, it’s super-easy to get started with programming, and the programming benefits are well worth your struggles.

So, let’s see why programming is such a useful skill.

Unlock Mines of Fun Creative Freedom

I don’t programme because I have to; I programme because it’s fun.


In fact, the first programming benefit of today is the fun of programming as a hobby. Computers are strikingly phenomenal innovations—undeniably—since they empower us greatly. So, why not utilise the complete package of versatility and power that comes with these computers?

Your computer can do precisely what you want it to do. Amazing. And programming is the medium through which you can become the overlord of the faithful computing device.

I love power.

Likewise, you will enjoy the sensation of creating something impressive—small or big—yourself. Furthermore, you might even enjoy the freedom of programming to such an extent that it becomes utterly addicting. Luckily, though, this sort of addiction is not necessarily mentally harmful, as the programming benefits are simply too immense.

Moreover, if you have any ideas, you’re able to realise them with programming. For example, perhaps you come up with a simplistic yet entertaining game. Now you can bring it into reality, having learned the magic of programming.

Programming additionally empowers you to add an individualised touch of achievement to your computer. If you don’t wait too long, you should find that your application menu is soon full of your own fun, creative applications.

What’s more, these applications don’t have to be complicated to be fun. A basic command-line application will be equally satisfying, if not more fun; you won’t need to worry about manufacturing an elaborate user interface.

Make Algorithms to Solve Mathematical Problems or Work Stuff Out for You

Mathematical Problems

Whether it’s doing your finances, working out how many tubs of butter to buy, or merely calculating interesting statistics for fun, programming can help. The second of the programming benefits is that programming allows you to easily perform calculations; this is much like an automated, though bewildering, calculator.

Unlike downloading a random application off of the Internet, learning how to programme enables you to customise the programme to your needs. These needs could involve managing your finances, for instance.

Say you’re currently practising a savings scheme where you distribute your income according to this guide: 20% for long-term savings and investment, 10% for repaying your debts, and 70% for living expenses and whatever else.

Managing Your Finances with Programming

In this case, you could create an application asking you for the income you’ve made. Subsequently, the programme could output the various amounts for you to allocate to savings, debt repayment, living costs etc.

Obviously, one of the programming benefits—and benefits of automation as a whole—is that it brings convenience to your life. This is regardless of who you are, since the fewer things you’re concerned with, the more useful things you can do. Accordingly, programming can save you time in the long term. It’s very good.

On the other hand, what if you wanted to make a programme to run a mathematical operation merely for fun? To exemplify, I will challenge you to make a simple application that simulates a lottery: it will repeatedly create scenarios simulating guessing lottery numbers, so you can see when and if it eventually guesses the winning numbers.

If you don’t feel rejuvenated by that experience, it will nevertheless expose you to why gambling is pointless.

Advance Your Thinking

Expand Your Thinking with Programming

Yet another nugget of the programming benefits: expand your mind, and think like a supreme being on the next plane of physical existence…

In all actuality, programming is not the least brainpower-consuming, thoughtful activity. Programming is a glorious art involving methodological and structured thinking—that which leads to effective computer programmes. After all, computers are based on ordered, logical, and sensical, step-by-step instructions.

By learning and practising programming, you will inevitably develop the mental traits of a programmer which can be applied elsewhere. Programming is, in essence, copious amounts of problem-solving, especially as nobody experiences an absence of problems when programming.

Like an entrepreneur, you first identify a problem and subsequently develop a solution in the form of a computer programme.

You can develop your mathematical thinking, too, due to the heavy reliance programming has on mathematics. Even though it is not nearly necessary to be a professional mathematician in most cases, mathematical skill aids programming. As a result, why wouldn’t the reverse be true?

I couldn’t think of a better way than programming to learn mathematical thinking. This is a beautiful benefit of programming we all should love.

In addition, due to mathematics being a significant component of science, especially physics, programming can be used in conjunction with science. For instance, programming is a powerful tool for performing scientific calculations and simulating scientific processes.

Scientists, or people with an avid interest in science, will perhaps, therefore, enjoy the programming benefits and joys.

Create Solutions for Your Computer’s Misconduct

Are you not satisfied with your computer? Perhaps it is unable to do something quickly and effortlessly for you. Or, alternatively, your operating system is unfortunately not doing as it should.

Frightening Prospect

When it takes 43 seconds to log into your email.

Since programming is a critical component for you to expand the functionality of the computer, one of the programming benefits is solving your personal problems. That is, reducing the sufferings you must endure whenever you attempt to use your computer.

Luckily, your solution needs not be mind-bogglingly complicated; it could be as simple as a short script you run from the desktop. It is nonetheless a viable option to go as far as to create a browser plugin, for example, for added convenience.

No matter how you put it, the fundamental purpose of programming is automation—which in turn leads to convenience.

For example, how about these ideas:


  • A script that opens all of your applications you need at once whenever you want to do some programming. This could consist of your code editor, some file browsing windows, and a web browser for assistance with the programming language.
  • An invisible application that runs every day in the evening and causes your computer to be unusable. This could persuade you to halt the cat video-watching spree such that you can finally enter a state of sleep.
  • A background application that randomly sends you notifications to make sure you’re on track.
  • An application that continuously, ceaselessly creates calculator windows covering your screen.
  • Make a script to shut down the computer at a random time from running it, so you’re always living life on the edge.
  • An application to effortlessly open, close and manage all of your cryptocurrency mining. Perhaps this could be used to ensure maximum profitability, much like the NiceHash mining application.

Understand (and Customise) Other Applications with Ease

When learning this art, you will find that another of the programming benefits consists of understanding other applications. This is especially true of simpler, open-source applications, and you don’t necessarily need to know the language of the application. This is because many programming languages work similarly, hence you will at least have some idea of what some code means.

How to understand config files
We've seen this before: the best way to learn Colemak.

But why would you want to modify the code of an application? Well, sometimes you’d want to customise an application’s behaviour or make it fit its inadequacies.

Once I downloaded the source code for a mining application because I wanted to modify it slightly—simplify it for a more specific use. Before, it opened a window for you to enter information and press “start”. After, it would start mining in the background as soon as you opened it.

However, the application used some form of Basic or whatnot; a language I was not familiar with. Nevertheless, I could understand it sufficiently in order to make modifications and some additions. This does not mean, however, that I didn’t use the Internet as a helpful resource at all.

Configuration Files

Additionally, you might be able to understand configuration files of these applications as you know how the backend works. Programming, in fact, guides you towards a further, better understanding of computers, increasing your computer proficiency.

For example, many basic applications will use a text configuration file. Here, you change the values of variables in order to modify the functionality of the application. They unsurprisingly consist of some code, with variable assignments and comments potentially looking like this:

; Sets the number of butter tubs to buy:

Whereas a person isolated from the wonders of programming might potentially not understand this, a programmer—even at a basic level—would.

Who Doesn’t Want Generous Bags of Gold?

It’s not all about the fun, or even the convenience, albeit they are lovely programming benefits. Whether or not it has occurred to you, being an experienced programmer can bring you currencies of all sorts. What’s more, there are multiple ways of going about profiting from your skills.

Be a Programmer and Get Serious Gold

Programmers, for organisations, are immensely useful; it allows them to have software made to their specification without spending much time on it. Let’s remember this: the development of reliable, quality software involves lots of time and, in some cases, many people.

Once again, though, you would want to narrow down your skillset into a specific niche. This could be web development with a specific framework or designing a certain type of application for a certain platform. As an employer, they will find a specific service more appealing, especially if it suggests more skill, hence better results.

Interestingly, it’s a similar scenario to selecting an adequate electrician for solar power installation. To exemplify, who would you rather choose:

  • John Smith the all-around electrician.
  • John Smith the household electrician person.
  • The John Smith the experienced solar power installer.

Working as An Employee

In general, the programmer’s salary is greater than the average salary. This is superb as you now have the advantage over the competition of being able to save and invest more money. Of course, the salary will vary between company and specifically what type of programming you’re into.

What would you want to be? A software developer, video game designer, AI stuff, cybercrime defence stuff, or anything else on the endless list of opportunities?

Retain in memory, though, that programming is not the full deal; in order to get in front of the competition, you’ll need to have people skills and know how to market yourself effectively.

Working as A Freelancer

Even better, why not truly own your programming abilities and be a freelancer? This way, you have more control over how and when you work. However, you have an obligation to carry out the work of the client to a sufficient level by a set deadline.

After all, you want your client to want to come back for your services.

Furthermore, if you truly want to earn money, you will need to recognise your value and price your services accordingly. Don’t fall into the trap of undervaluing yourself—you’ll be missing out on a lot.

While this could bring you vast volumes of free time, it could also make your life stressful if you don’t manage your time and work properly. Don’t take on too much work—you want to be in a position of denying work, yet not having too little work to do.

Why Pay Anyone Else? Make and Sell Your Own Stuff

App Store

As a programmer, it makes sense to be an entrepreneur; there are a plethora of programming benefits that you could bring into a business. Online businesses are a straightforward way to get started with entrepreneurship, too.

Firstly, you can make your own software to complement your business without paying anyone else. On the other hand, creating software could be your business, by selling apps and utilising in-app purchases. Although, the unfortunate truth is that there’s a lot of competition regarding selling applications, due to the low entry requirements.

Secondly, if you learn web development, you could build your own website, albeit nowadays this is not the best option: why spend hours programming when you could use something like WordPress?

Thirdly, you could “sell” your knowledge, by providing top-notch programming tutorials and teaching others in-person. Once again, though, you will be confronted with lots of competition.

Lastly, you could simply produce specific applications designed for use within your business, to make your life easier. Whatever this is exactly is totally up to you. In fact, as a whole, programming is totally up to you.


Indeed, if you are a computer enthusiast, programming—even up to a simple level—is almost a must. You see, the art of programming is vastly versatile and empowering to you. Not to mention all the programming benefits listed above.

Programming is the core skill that gives you the ability to realise your ideas, solve your problems, make your life easier, and it gives you unimaginable freedom. Therefore, even if it is as a hobby and you don’t go extremely in-depth with it, you must learn to programme now.

Pluralsight Free Trial

If you don’t know where to get started, I would heavily recommend this service called Pluralsight. There, you can access innumerable tutorials on many programming languages and technologies. Furthermore, this is a brilliant place to sharpen your skills and get programming proficiently, quickly.

To go with that, there are two books that will teach you good practices when coding: Code Complete and Clean Code. Programming isn’t always about functionality, it also entails a decent standard of communication; it’s always a good practice to code in a conspicuous way such that another person can read that code effortlessly.

On a final note, my favourite code editor is Visual Studio Community, because it’s completely free yet exceedingly powerful. It packs an immense mass of horses in the bonnet: IntelliSense is insanely helpful with the programming flow…

Finally, don’t you just hate waiting several minutes every time you want to test your code? It may be advisable to upgrade your computer, so you can compile code faster. For ideas, you can evaluate your options with these bestselling computers.

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About the author

My name is Luis Thiam-Nye and I own this place.